Symptoms of Heart attack.
Some Symptoms of about Heart attack
But around 32% of people do not suffer from abdominal pain and another thing to discuss with this is that if you have abdominal pain, then you have a heart attack Does the body give any signal before abdominal pain or heart attack?
we will going to discuss about some unknown or little known symptoms, or symptoms of the body which the body is aware of about 4 weeks before the heart attack. If you are aware of any of these symptoms, then you can seek proper medical attention, and it is possible that the heart attack can be prevented.
Unexplained Anxiety
Are you waiting to hear this? Anxiety is a sudden feeling of tension which has no real reason Yes, obviously, if there is a reason in your workplace or in your family for which you have to be anxious, then there is nothing to say about it. But if it is seen that sudden unexplained anxiety is an early sign or symptom of a heart attack.
There is some confusion about it because it has not been proven yet that anxiety is an early symptom of a heart attack or the heart attack is precipitating due to too much anxiety because the precipitating factor of a heart attack contains too much stress or anxiety Due to anxiety,
there are some changes in the body especially in your autonomic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system becomes hyperactive As a result, your heart rate can increase and your adrenaline rush can occur.
But it is proven that some people have an unexplained anxiety about a month before a heart attack Along with it, there is a lack of sleep or insomnia or sleeplessness or insomnia. Insomnia and anxiety are closely related.
It is not very likely Especially those who are more likely to have a heart attack That is, those who are suffering from various risk factors like sugar
pressure, high cholesterol or being able to breathe even after a lot of effort Many people in your family have had a heart attack .Those who have such high risk factors In their case, unexplained anxiety, lack of sleep or insomnia.
If it occurs suddenly If it is not taken lightly and evaluated, It is possible that many catastrophes will occur. So this was a very important, less commonly discussed symptom or early symptom of heart attack.
Easy Fatigability
What does fatigability mean? It means the tendency to easily become clunky that is, the clunkiness that you used to see after a lot of exertion that is comparatively. You are getting clunky suddenly, What is the scientific explanation for this?
Symptom Heart Attack Shortness
of Breath
There are some typical patterns that is, it has been seen that after listening to them, The shortness of breath comes out if you sit up, the shortness of breath decreases, And this shortness of breath is also an exertional shortness of breath, that is,
you are going to eat, then the shortness of breath is happening. If this shortness of breath suddenly appears, It may not be very advanced But it has been seen that the previous work, Suppose you always had a heart attack
The Fourth Symptom
is in The Jaw
You went to the dentist and the dentist said that you don't have any problem with your teeth and if it is seen that the pain of the chin or the pain of the chin in the jaw that is your exertional, if you move your hand, the other time is reduced that is a matter of concern similarly.
If there is no pain in the chin but your arm, that is, The inner side of the hand it can be in both hands, but generally it has been seen that it is more likely to happen in the left hand Inner side of left arm. If you suddenly move your hand there, the pain is there, the other time the pain is not there, it is reduced or on the back, particularly a little below the back.If you move your hand there, the pain is there, if you stop, it will be fine. These can be very early signs or symptoms of a heart attack and we call these things referred pain Generally, the heart is in our mouth, some are in the left side its classic pain is in the middle of our mouth.
It is not exactly a pain, it is a tightness or a compressive sensation But it has been seen in some places that nothing happened in the mouth. The pain was in many other places in the chin or the chin, in the jaw, in the inside of the hand or on the backside. This can be an early symptom of a heart attack So if you are in this way, you have to be careful.
An Unexplained Nausea or Vomiting
There is an inferior wall myocardial infarction the blood vessels on your right side are blocked and cause heart attack in that case, this type of nausea or vomiting is very very common, So if you are in such a situation that you are feeling nauseous or vomiting but you are not able to find any other reason. You have to be careful.
Dyspepsia, Particularly Stomach Pain
then obviously it is fine but even in the case of heart problems. Sometimes there is a pain in the upper part of the stomach and the stomach is hot and we commonly call it gas. If this
type of abdominal discomfort or pain or discomfort in the upper part of the stomach that is related to your exertion again, I will say it again Heart symptoms are generally related to exertion. Sometimes it can be in the advanced stage but in the early stage,
it is generally related to exertion that is, you have a gas-like nausea but it is not permanent. It happens when you go to exercise that may be a very early symptom of heart attack. So you should not ignore this either.
Especially if you notice that you have been suffering from gas for a long time but this time the gas problem is completely different from the previous times If you find a new dimension in your upper abdominal discomfort or dyspepsia or gas problem Then there is no way to relieve it.
Stay Healthy Stay Well