Difference between doctor and doctor? How to originate

Typically, the first person to seek out when they become ill is a doctor, also known as a doctor in Bengali and English. In Bangladesh, doctors cannot use the title "doctor" or "doctor" before their names unless they have earned an MBBS or an equivalent degree from a recognized medical college or other medical educational institution.

doctor, doctor, origin, Difference between doctor and doctor, চিকিৎসক, ডাক্তার, উৎপত্তি, ডাক্তার ও ডক্টরের পার্থক্য,

But in addition to these medical professionals, there are many others who are regarded as physicians despite having no connection to the practice of medicine. These doctors are often those who have a PhD, Doctor of Philosophy, or a degree of an equivalent nature from a reputable university.

Some of these doctors work as lawyers, while others lecture at universities. In a number of different fields, a PhD or degree of a similar caliber is also offered. Despite the fact that they go by the title of doctor, Bengal does not refer to them as doctors. Doctors are commonly referred to as doctors in Bengali.

What separates a doctor of medicine from various other types of doctors is the current point of discussion. Because a doctor of medicine is referred to as a doctor in Bengali, but not this foreign PhD doctor, in English.

Christian theologians were granted the title throughout the Middle Ages.

by a doctor. The title "doctor" was formerly more commonly used to refer to theologians than to anyone who practiced medicine. At that time, theologians or priests who had received the Vatican's approval—the greatest authority in Europe for the interpretation of numerous religious laws and Bible principles—were referred to as physicians.

Consequently, the relationship is seen in terms of the word doctor rather than teacher or teacher. The Latin term decore, which means to teach, is where the word doctor also originates. The title of "licencia docendi," which has since changed into the present PhD degree, was first given to experts in theology or the Bible by the Roman Catholic Church under the Popes in the 11th century.

In Europe, the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries are referred to as the Renaissance or the start of the modern period. There was a significant epistemological awakening at that time in many different fields. As a result, the title "doctor" was eventually used to refer to more than just theologians. Known authorities and medical specialists in other domains also heard about it. Later, in addition to the Catholic Church, other colleges also obtained the authority to acknowledge this "Licensia Docendi."

The first doctorate degree in history was conferred by the University of Paris.

 In 1190, the University of Paris became the first institution of higher learning to award the "Licensia Docendi." Later, other universities in Europe began to provide this doctoral or licencia docendi degree, with the University of Bologna in Italy serving as the starting point.

However, its history as a doctorate in philosophy dates back to the seventeenth century and Germany. Philosophical disciplines included history, sociology, mathematics, and science in Renaissance Europe.

The Ijazah certificate of the Muslim world is where the doctorate degree got its start.

The Ijazah degree awarded by the madrasahs of the Muslim world is where the concept of awarding this doctoral degree to professionals in any field originated in Europe. As a result, it is possible to say that the Ijazah degree earned at one of the prestigious madrasas or universities in the Muslim world at the time is the forerunner of the modern doctorate.

PhD holders are referred to as Dr.

Today, persons who earn their PhD from an accredited institution are referred to as doctors. Those who graduate from a recognized medical institution are also referred to as doctors. However, a PhD or doctor of philosophy is not necessary.

Body recognized As a person with extensive and consistent practical and theoretical knowledge of a field is sometimes given a PhD or Doctor of Philosophy degree by a university. However, the University's recognized procedure must be followed for the proper examination that will award the degree.

Germany awarded the very first PhDs in the modern period.

Doctor of Philosophy and PhD holders are referred to as doctors outside of the medical field. The doctor of philosophy, or Ph.D., degree was first formally offered at the Friedrich Wilhelm University in Berlin, Germany, in the 19th century. At that time, the institution gave a PhD to individuals who conducted research and in-depth analysis on any humanities or scientific topic.

Before that, nevertheless, the Master's degree was regarded as the Ph.D.'s equal. Leipzig University started giving it formally in 1652. However, even before then, professors in the lesser faculties of English institutions were referred to as masters and professors in the upper faculties as doctors.

The first PhD in Britain was granted by Oxford University.

A person having a doctoral degree has traditionally been referred to as a doctor in English. PhDs were mostly awarded in the humanities, law, medicine, and occasionally music. Doctoral degrees were primarily restricted to these fields up until the 19th century. The PhD, however, gained popularity in Britain in the 19th century. But in order to pursue this degree, British citizens had to travel to the United States or other European nations. since 1917, when Britain formally began awarding the first PhD. The first college in Britain to provide a DPhil, or doctor of philosophy, degree was Oxford University.

The word doctor, however, was not typically placed before the name at that time in the United States or Great Britain; rather, the abbreviation of the relevant doctoral degree was mentioned at the conclusion of the name.


Despite this, even those without the appropriate degree are commonly referred to as doctors in English-speaking nations. In Britain during the nineteenth century, the term "doctor" was frequently overused. Doctor is frequently used before a doctor's name.

In Portugal and Italy, everyone with a degree is referred to as a doctor

however in certain nations, like Portugal and Italy, all those with degrees are referred to as doctors. The question of earning a PhD or a medical degree is therefore not taken into consideration. As a result, other professions like lawyers in these nations frequently utilize the title "doctor."

Bangladesh's guidelines for using the term "doctor"

BORN IN BANGLADESH DOCTOR The term "doctor" can be used by people who have earned a PhD from any reputable university and degrees in registered medicine. However, in Bangladesh, the terms "medical doctor" and "BDS doctor" only apply to those with an MBBS or BDS degree. Veterinarians who have earned a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) degree, on the other hand, may also use the term "Doctor" with their name. In addition, licensed homeopaths and unani physicians also use the title "doctor" before their names. However, the government of Bangladesh's health department has enforced a prohibition against using the word "doctor" or "doctor" before their names. The group of concerned doctors, however, appealed against it.

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