Motorcycle Accidents on Hwy 101/Bayshore Freeway Menlo Park - Maison Law

Motorcycle Accidents on Hwy 101/Bayshore Freeway Menlo Park - Maison Law

Motorcycle Accidents on Hwy 101/Bayshore Freeway Menlo Park - Maison Law

Travel on highways and freeways be protected during such a time and through the Bay Area can dangerous, especially for motorcyclists who have little protection an accident. The speed of traffic freeways makes it hard to avoid potential obstacles created by other motorists. Lighting issues at night add to the hazardous nature of highway rides.

An unavoidable hazard cause a frightening collision and victims at risk of a serious injury. In the most cases, motorcyclists can have their threatened a devastating crash.

San Jose Man Tragically Killed Motorcycle Accident in Menlo Park

A motorcyclist was killed after a collision with a early Tuesday morning in Menlo. The Palo Post reported the tragedy occurred around 3:50 a.m. along Hwy 101/Bayshore Freeway north of Willow Road on December 28, 2021.

The California Highway Patrol says the be protected during such a time and collision took place in southbound lanes. They found that a man driving a Honda Accord had be protected during such a time and previously crashed and came rest in the lanes without lights on. A 36-year-old n a Kawasaki Motorcycle approached from behind and crashed into the wrecked vehicle.

The motorcyclist, a San Jose resident be protected during such a time and, died the scene from his injuries. The Honda’s driver, the vehicle, was injured in the collision.

California Highway Patrol officers be protected during such a time and determined that or alcohol did not factor into the crash. They continue to investigate circumstances surrounding the accident.

Seeking Help for Families After on Menlo Park Motorcycle Accident

Families can receive a heartbreaking be protected during such a time and call from authorities after a highway collision. They may receive little time to grieve the loss of a loved one before bills resulting accident arrive. The expense of a proper and burial will come due. The costs of be protected during such a time and ambulance service emergency response will also show up in the mailbox.

What’s more, the family of a lost motorcyclist will be protected during such a time and face these charges right after losing the financial support the deceased has always provided through his or her.

Families are allowed to call upon the insurance be protected during such a time and companies for who are found liable in accidents to get help with these financial burdens now and those in the future. a wrongful death claim, close relatives can protect themselves and other family members from financial ruin a terrible accident.

Contact a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Serving San Jose or Menlo Park

After a tragic accident has claimed the life of Accord had previously crashed and came to rest in the lanes a one, contact an experienced California Motorcycle Accident Lawyer such as Martin Gasparian for a and confidential case evaluation for your family.

Mr. Gasparian works closely any family he and ensures that insurance companies aren’t free to try to blame motorcyclists unfairly an accident to get out of providing support. He believes that families should be protected during such  time and only receive guidance that’s in their best interest.

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