5 advantages of holiday-season house and auto insurance

5 advantages of holiday-season house and auto insurance

 Did you know that around the holidays, Sherwood Park's insurance firms see a rise in house and auto insurance claims? Christmas is a time for gathering with family and friends, celebrating traditions, and exchanging gifts, but sadly it is also a period when there is a higher chance of theft, house fires, and auto accidents. Although having proper house and auto insurance is important year-round, we highlight five of the main advantages this holiday season.

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1. Safeguards you when driving

We usually discuss the advantages of travel insurance at this time of year, as well as how to get your home ready while you're gone on vacation. Many families are choosing to leave gifts at the doors of their loved ones and say hello from a distance as a result of the travel prohibitions and gathering bans that have been imposed across the nation because to the Covid-19 outbreak. As Albertans rush to the stores to do their holiday shopping, there will likely be more traffic on the roads as a result. This could lead to an increase in traffic accidents.

Make sure your motor insurance policy is up to date and ask your Sherwood Park auto insurance provider about any additional coverage that might be advantageous to you this vacation. By adhering to the traffic laws, maintaining the posted speed limit, and being especially careful around ice and snow, you can avoid filing a claim.

2. The presents under the tree are wrapped.

An terrible feature of the holiday season is an upsurge in theft and house invasions. Burglars are eager to steal anything they can, including potentially pricey presents under the tree. It's crucial to understand that there are particular guidelines and restrictions regarding the coverage for your possessions under your house insurance policy.


Always save your receipts, as a general rule. Having proof of purchase facilitates the claims process in the event that your home is burglarized. Any concerns you have should be brought up with your Sherwood Park home insurance company. We advise setting up a security system, leaving at least one light on while you're gone, and hiding valuables to protect your property.

3. A Christmas tree and colorful lights provide tranquility.

A beautifully adorned tree and twinkling lights all contribute to the holiday spirit. Additionally, they raise the possibility of house fires that spread rapidly. Fortunately, Sherwood Park home insurance covers house fires brought on by lights and ornaments.

Keep your loved ones safe at home this holiday season by following these measures to prevent filing a home insurance claim:

Never use an extension cord for outside electricity inside.

Never bring outdoor lighting inside.

Keep Christmas trees and other decorations away from heaters, candles, and other heat sources.

Any lights with frayed cables or damaged bulbs should be replaced.

Never pass an extension cord through snow or dry grass.

4. Coverage for auto theft

Car theft is one crime that increases during the Christmas season since thieves don't observe holidays. Theft protection is provided by comprehensive coverage, however it is not required in Alberta. Speak with your insurance company about including this coverage in your contract; it will probably result in a higher premium, but it will provide you piece of mind both during the holiday season and all year long.

5. Guards you in case a person is hurt on your property.

Since there are ice sidewalks and snow-covered yards throughout the winter, slips and falls are frequent. Imagine if a neighbor, friend, or family member stumbles on some ice and suffers injuries while on your property. If someone is wounded on your property due to an accident or any other unintended mishap, your home insurance will shield you from financial and legal responsibilities.

last thoughts

We urge you to take some time to phone your insurance broker and check over your coverage while you're wrapping presents and getting ready for Christmas dinner. The last thing you want to deal with over the holidays is an accident only to find out that your insurance is insufficient. In order to guarantee that you and your family have a stress-free and enjoyable holiday, it's crucial to be proactive and take precautionary precautions.

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